Sometimes our system crash down and it could lead to a total/partial loss of our files, which is definitely not a good moment for us. There are several reasons that cause the crash, and we can mainly divide the reasons into three categories, software hardware other Most of the time, if the crash is cause by software...

Parallel computing has become one of the essential techniques among industry and academy. As a programmer, not only understanding the theory of parallel computing is important, but learn how to work with some parallel computing library is also critical. Today, I am going to introduce a list of parallel computing...

I think every programmer has had their bad moment when debugging a program. However, improving the performance of a program can be more tricky than debugging. Sometimes we need to know in which part(e.g. which line of code or which function) drags the overall performance, then we need to profile the program. According...

Last time I have given an overview of Unikernels, which includes some basic concepts and a breif history. From this time, let’s build a simple but functional unikernel together! I will choose either Scala or C++ as the programming language for this plan. And as mentioned in my last post, our unikernel will also be of,...

According to the definition from the Unikernel Organization, Unikernels are specialized,single-address-space machine images constructed by using library OS. Unikernel has been proposed to solve the security issue in Cloud environment, as it is non-trivial to set up the configuration of a traditional OS’s security, e.g....

It is common to draw figures or diagrams with Microsoft Visio, as it is really an awesome all-in-one tool! Visio has numerous templates as well as an easy-to-use interface, by simply clicking and dragging with a mouse, a fantastic diagram will be there. For people working on a document, e.g. an academic paper, if you...

It is not easy to find documentation regarding Clang’s optimization options, especially for newer versions of LLVM. So I did a manual statistics and organized them in a table. This article and the table was inspired&forked from lolo32, many thanks! Currently, there are two versions of Clang co-existing my Intel NUC 10,...

It is not easy to find documentation regarding Clang’s optimization options, especially for newer versions of LLVM. So I did a manual statistics and organized them in a table. This article and the table was inspired&forked from lolo32, many thanks! Currently, there are two versions of Clang co-existing my Intel NUC 10,...